Combination of Interests Leads Katelyn Prevenslik ’20 to Internship at American Chemical Society

Created: June 28, 2019  |  Last Updated: December 3, 2019  |  Category:   |  Tagged: ,

WASHINGTON, PA (June 28, 2019)— What if you’re a music major, but plan to become a doctor? Or a chemistry major with an interest in editing? Combining your interests is encouraged at Washington & Jefferson College (W&J) – just ask Katelyn Prevenslik ’20.

The senior chemistry major is spending the summer as an editorial intern for the American Chemical Society in Washington, D.C.

“Even though I just applied to dental school, W&J still encouraged me to pursue my passion for chemistry. W&J wants their students to be well-rounded and offers ample support to ensure they are able to do things such as work outside of their career path for a summer,” she said.

Through her internship, Katelyn performs data analysis for American Chemical Society publications. She offers insight about the publications and their audiences, since most of them are geared towards college students.

Her work has provided a memorable experience that she is enjoying immensely.

“My favorite part of my internship is seeing first-hand all of the different ways a scientist can be involved in their field outside of research/academia. Scientific work is limitless,” she said.

In addition to the encouragement she’s received from professors and alumni, Katelyn found further support from W&J with funding from the Franklin Magellan Internship Award.

“The Franklin Magellan Award truly let me have a life-changing experience that I never would have been able to do without it,” she said. “If you are motivated to find an internship that you can show you are passionate about, W&J will do whatever they can to help you get there.”

Katelyn is grateful for the experience she’s had at W&J, which made her transition into working with the ACS that much easier. It’s also given her insights into what life after W&J could look like.

“My liberal arts education has prepared me for this internship. I have taken classes outside of my major that made me a competitive applicant for the work I am doing,” she said. “Although I hope to go to dental school in the fall of 2020, I now know that my chemistry degree allows me to use my knowledge for the greater good through communications, and that is something I am very passionate about and dedicated to.”

About Washington & Jefferson College

Washington & Jefferson College, located in Washington, Pa., is a selective liberal arts college founded in 1781. Committed to providing each of its students with the highest-quality undergraduate education available, W&J offers a traditional arts and sciences curriculum emphasizing interdisciplinary study and independent study work. For more information about W&J, visit, or call 888-W-AND-JAY.